Irish Myths and Legends - The Tuatha De Danann

The Tuatha De Dannan were a fascinating and mysterious group of people in ancient Ireland. They were associated with important megalithic sites such as Newgrange. We look at their story here...

Newgrange, County Meath, Ireland
Newgrange, County Meath, Ireland

The Tuatha De Dannan translates as “the people of Danu”. They were said to have arrived in Ireland bringing with them a stone of destiny which was called the ‘Lia Fail’. This was placed on the mound of the Hill of Tara and after that whenever it called out, the rightful Kings of Ireland were said to be chosen.

The Tuatha also brought the spear of Lugh which was said to ensure victory to anybody that used it; the sword of Nuada from which nobody could escape and the Cauldron of the Dagda from which nobody would go unsatisfied. This was a great arsenal of weapons!

The story of the Tuatha goes on to say that they were defeated at a huge battle of Magh Tuiredh (Moytura) by the Fir Bolg (who were a group of pot-bellied men). Following this, they were allowed to stay around the West of Ireland.

The next battle for the Tuatha De Dannan was with the Formorians, which was in County Roscommon. It became known as the second battle of Moytura. They defeated the great Formorian warrior Balor and then they laid claim to his land.

Following these battles, the Tuatha De Dannan enjoyed a great time of prospering under two great heroes, Nuada of the Silver Arm and Lugh of the Long Arm. However they were subsequently defeated by the Milesians at Teltown.

It is then that the biggest and most powerful myths about these people began. They were said to magically go underground and that only iron weapons could injure them. They became like gods to the Celtic people and became known as ‘the people of the mounds’ (Sidhe).

There are many fairy mounds and entrances to astounding underground sites all around Ireland and the most famous of these is at Newgrange.
Posted on novembre 20, 2015